Small Beginnings......

Small Fry Creations began as an "I wonder if I could?"  Just a small thought between the Lord and I. Fast forward about a month and I'm standing in line to get a hug from my Leadership following an awesome word at our annual women's conference.  What started as small word from her to me as she anointed my hands with hers birthed Small Fry Creations.  One of my fondest memories as a child is of my granddaddy, he gave all of his grandchildren nicknames based on our characteristics and/or personalities.  He NEVER called us by our names.  My nickname was Small Fry as I could fit in the palm of his hand.  I know that as child of God, God holds me safely in the palm of His hand.  

Small gestures for the ones we love create lasting thoughts and memories. 

Small statements speak volumes.

Small acts of kindness can brighten a day.

A Small amount Faith can move mountains.

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.... Zechariah 4:10